Tuesday 26 July 2011

In your remembrance...

Rohan Gaekwad

It is hard to say good bye... And it so happened last week (20-07-2011) I was in a state of confusion, shock, sorrow, helplessness and all other emotions that take away your happiness, when I got to know that he is no more with us!

Yet another time uncertainty strikes and reality appears in a way it never did before! There is no speculation about tomorrow and there is no way you can alter yesterday! How many times do we spend in thinking about the two, and forget about living today! How many times do we worry about what is not with us yet, than celebrate what we already have?

Rohan was a gem of a person, an artist and a dear friend! The only person who called me "Kavita" as his special pet name!! I don't even remember how I got baptized that way by him - may be because I loved his poems! I always addressed him as a "Kavi"! :-) Though I am shattered to bits by his absence from our lives, it feels right to remember your loved ones by their happy memories! I shall always carry his smiling face till my last day...

I am trying my hand at expressing myself in his area of expertise - poetry. And a promise that though he won't be with us anymore, his journey of life shall continue in our hearts forever...

प्रिया माझा कवी,

एका दिवसात शिकवलस आयुष्याचं सार,
जीवनाचे क्षण मोजके असतात फार.
दिवस नसतात ठरवत आपण किती जगलो,
जर प्रत्येक वाटेचा क्षण पूर्णपणे भोगलो.

नाती गोती नुसती राक्तांचीच नसतात,
मन जोडलेली नाती देखील घट्ट असतात.
दुरावा जरी भूमी जागो जागी भरत असते,
मैत्री नेहमीच हि अंतरं मिटवत असते.

खंत फक्त एवढीच, कि इथे तू दिसणार नाहीस,
पण तुझ्या आठवणींना मी कधी विसरणार नाही.
असेच कधी मिळत नसतात मित्र सोन्या सारखे,
जीवा पलीकडे जपीन मी हे ऋणानुबंध आपले.
- तुझीच


1 comment:

Snigdha Shevade said...
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If I am a memory

  Our meeting was a stroke of serendipity, There was no history neither familiarity. Yet we bonded like a house on fire! So if I am a memory...