Sunday 11 December 2022

Should I "hold on to it" or "let it go"

"De-cluttering is a continuous process" said no one, but it holds true in every sense of the word for me. Honestly, it isn't about how well a particular thing is done, but, it is about how regularly it is done, which actually matters in the long run. If you are one of the pro-decluttering people, you must already know the right time to start decluttering is, NOW! Because, if you are thinking whether or not your life or space needs decluttering, you are probably already late! For everyone else and especially if you are one of the curious people, let me tell you a classified information - the right time to begin your decluttering curiosity is towards the end of the year. It has magical effects without owning a magic wand! 

If done right, it sets you up for a brilliant start of the new year. If not, it can make your coming year magically tragic because it won't be a new year. For all the practical purposes, it will be a spill over of the previous year which is already gone-by! All you can do is learn from it, not live in it. 

Moving on, literally and figuratively - how do we decide if we hold on or let go of something? Just like you do for any other decision, ask questions, answer honestly and act! 

For me, by the time I answer the following questions, everything is crystal clear! Most of the times, I don't even need to ask all the questions. I do it regardless, because the validation helps me! A lot! I hope it works for you too! 

  1. Do you love it? 
  2. Does it make you happy?
  3. Does it add to your confidence?
  1. Have you used it in the last 6 months?
  2. Does it fit in your current lifestyle or future goals?
  3. Does it hold any significant memory which isn't guilt ridden for you?
  1. Is it functioning well?
  2. Do you have a designated time and space for it?
  3. Are you sure this doesn't fall into "just in case" or "obligation"?

If you answered "NO" or "MAYBE" to even one of the above questions, it is a clear indication that it needs to go from your space or life. 

Tuesday 18 January 2022

For the rest of your life


If it was normal, everyone would have it.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

But, normal in itself is easily chaotic, for

What is normal to a spider is a chaos to a fly.

Appearances can be deceptive, they say,

If it is too good to be true, it most certainly is, I say!

You cannot look happy with just a smile on your face, for 

What lies beneath that smile says far more than you can hide.

A broken soul often knows how to heal itself

What it doesn't know is how to forgive itself. 

Wonder why forgiving oneself is so hard? For,

We want someone else to forgive us first to be worthy of moving on.

Denial, anger, bargaining and depression should pass

Before you can finally accept and get past the past.

Grieving doesn't mean moving on from the wounds that scar, for

Wounds heal, scars stay but what doesn't break you makes you strong.

If closure would mean peace of mind for once

It would be the thing everyone would trade for, at once.

But the truth is that closure means forgiving without an apology, for

Forgiveness is a virtue of the strongest souls!

It is our choices and not abilities that make us.

It is our actions and not words that define us.

Sooner or later there comes a day when you must choose and act, for

The same efforts go in making ourselves happy or sad. 

No one can tell you what to choose,

No one can act for you when you choose.

It is you who must decide when the time comes, for

It is you who will live with that choice for the rest of your life.

If I am a memory

  Our meeting was a stroke of serendipity, There was no history neither familiarity. Yet we bonded like a house on fire! So if I am a memory...