
Parenthood - a new label joining my list has changed me and my partner's life. It's always the experience that makes everything worth it! Even though we are first timers, it was a very planned decision. And we totally recommend the planning. It helped us take our routines, fitness and diet more seriously! Not because it wasn't good before, but little changes like, sleep cycles, alcohol consumption, fitness regimes and food were all reset, keeping the pregnancy in mind. Come to think of it, they are very small things but have a huge impact on your fertility levels.

One of the main reasons for adding this label was to share our experiences.. For the first timers, it can be helpful as they can roughly imagine what to expect once you join the "Parents" Club. For the experienced, it might get them nostalgic. And for those who might be feeling, "If only I knew I am not alone in this..." I am sure it will be just the thing to make them relax!! 

So, whichever category you belong to, just sit back, grab a cushion and comfortably spend some time! Please don't forget to leave your comments!

To directly jump to Parenthood posts click here.

Happy reading! :-) 

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